November 2018


6 Reasons why you should use a Credit Card

Credit cards are not a desire now but a need these days, especially if you own a house or car. There are 5 reasons to get a credit card and use it. Reward Points Credit cards offer reward points for purchases that you make. These reward points can be redeemed for gift vouchers or cash or can be used to

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Reversal of credit card transactions

Reversal of credit card transactions: There is an example to explain the reversal of credit card transaction- Shweta was very particular and on time with all her payments with credit card, there is never any delay on that. The only problem was she never used to check her credit card status and stuff associated with that. There is never any

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Seven Credit Report Myths Busted

There are many factors that you think affecting your credit score but not all of them are true. Following are some of the credit score myths debunked here: 1. Age determines the credit score: it’s a major myth that your age has an impact on the credit score like younger you are, lesser be your credit score. But its absolutely

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Happy Diwali


Here Is All You Need To Know About Calculating Your Taxable Income

Every individual has to calculate its taxable income to pay income tax and people are confused about how to calculate taxable income and what actually is a taxable income? We have a tendency to leave the calculation of tax on the Chartered Accountant. Basically, taxable income is the final amount which is arrived after calculating and taking into consideration all

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Happy Dhanteras

May this Dhanteras endow you with opulence and prosperity “Shubh Dhanteras”


Loan default is not the end

Today, all your dreams can come true in just a call to the bank and get a loan , be it car loan, house loan, educational loan, Few decades ago, taking a loan was a taboo and people are so conservative that they choose to live life in hunger rather than to take a loan. But now, the scenario has

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